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Idaho Lottery Holds Annual Scratch for Schools Event

LOCAL 8 NEWS (April 2, 2024) – Local schools from across the area got a huge boost on Monday thanks to the Idaho Lottery.

The Idaho Lottery held their annual Jim Bruce Scratch for Schools event at Idaho State University. 

A total of 49 different schools participated in the event.

The fastest scratching school was Lewis and Clark Elementary School, who scratched 199 lottery tickets in the five-minute round, winning $967 in the process.

Since Scratch for Schools began in 2001, the Idaho Lottery has given over $1.6 million to Idaho Public Schools.

"There's a lot of camaraderie around all of the schools, and there aren't very many events that actually bring them together every single year," said Idaho Lottery spokesman David Workman. "So this event is now in its 23rd year. And what started out as just kind of an idea for some awareness back when the lottery was a lot younger for our games has really turned into a look forward to the event by many of the schools and the participants that we have every single year."

The total prize amount awarded to all of the schools was $17,304.

Learn more about the annual event HERE.

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